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Recognized for World-Class Patient Care

At HSS, our mission is clear: to provide the highest quality patient care, improve mobility and enhance the quality of life for all. We are steadfast in our commitment to our patients and are continually looking for new and innovative ways to improve on our already high levels of care. Together, we are clearly making a significant impact, which is why I am pleased to share that Press Ganey has awarded HSS with two significant designations for our top performance in patient experience: the 2019 Guardian of Excellence Award® and the Pinnacle of Excellence Award®.

A little bit of background on these awards. The Guardian of Excellence Award honors healthcare providers for reaching the 95th percentile for patient experience, engagement or clinical quality performance, and is presented annually to organizations that sustain performance in the top 5 percent for each reporting period for the award year. This is the seventh consecutive year that HSS has received this designation.

This year was the first ever that HSS was also awarded the Pinnacle of Excellence Award in Patient Experience. This designation is only given to the three top-performing healthcare organizations in each category based on ability to maintain “high levels of excellence” in patient experience for at least three years.

These awards are a reflection of our culture, in which every single member of the HSS family operates as a team to provide our patients with world-class care. And because of the Leadership By All philosophy practiced each day by everyone at HSS.

As HSS continues to expand, we have remained steadfast in our core mission and values. Our unwavering commitment to strive for excellence is what enables us to provide the best possible care for people around the world. These designations are a clear indication that we are making tremendous progress on the goals we have set.

You should be proud of these accolades and everything we have accomplished together. Thank you for the world-class quality care you provide our patients and for being a part of what makes HSS such a special place.

One last point related to expansion with excellence to serve more people around the world: please look for an announcement in the coming hour about an important leadership appointment for what you have heard me describe as ‘HSS Health’.

2 Responses to “Recognized for World-Class Patient Care”

  1. Chao Wu

    Congratulations to the team on this extraordinary recognition!

  2. Ruth Cox

    I am honored to be a part of the HSS family with the recognitions we have been receiving. I strongly believe you and I am moved that to achieve this everyday is by “Leadership by All” in every step of the ladder. I can see right where I sit at work the words “HSS HOW YOU MOVE IS WHY WE’RE HERE.”
    The culture of our organization relies on every employee who comes in to work to know and do what is expected of them. Every member of the staff is the heart of HSS.


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