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There is no doubting that HSS is a special place. This is evident to so many people who visit one of our locations or interact with an HSS family member on a daily basis. I constantly receive emails, texts and calls from patients, family members and visitors recounting the exceptional experiences they have had at HSS. They comment on things like our responsiveness, the way we go above and beyond for our patients and how we seamlessly manage everything throughout the entire episode of care.

This happens so frequently, in fact, that Ralph Maldari, VP of Patient Engagement & Hospitality Services, and I came up with the saying #OnlyAtHSS. Let me give you just a few examples…

Here are excerpts from some feedback we received recently.

There may be no words to describe how impressed I am with the personnel. From employees to volunteers every single person does their job really well, is friendly, caring, courteous; helpful and organized. Plus several had a great sense of humor! I could not be more impressed with my experience here. I know my husband agrees. It is particularly evident to me how well screened, trained and treated the employees are.

I must tell you how incredibly responsive [you have] been in responding to your recommendation that I use HSS for my knee replacement. I am going to use HSS for my surgeries. Thank you, again, for the recommendation.

And here is one from a recent story submitted on our Back in the Game patient portal.

He listened to my history, asked intelligent questions, and explained to me what my issues were. I truly felt seen and heard, and confident that he could help me. His nurse and PA are both cut from the same cloth. I am a 52-year-old athlete and I have never received this level of care.

These are just a few of hundreds of examples that we all can think of.

As I’ve said in the past, our culture of excellence is what sets us apart, and this is evident in everything that we do. It’s not only in the way we care for our patients, but also the way we support one another and work as a team to get the job done.

I invite you to include your own #OnlyAtHSS moments in the comments below. Let’s share all of the extraordinary things happening at HSS!  Please share so we can all enjoy our #OnlyAtHSS stories.

10 Responses to “#OnlyAtHSS”

  1. Montgomery Croker

    thank you for this opportunity, this weekend, I visited one of the Macy’s store, I was wearing my HSS jacket. One of the sales associates inquired if I worked at HSS. When I replied ye,s she became very excited and went on and on about the care she received on the 9 floor when she was a patient of Dr. Allen. This is one of many similar stories that working at HSS brings. However, it sure is a feel good moment when it happens.

  2. Ralph Maldari

    Above & Beyond is the #HssStandard. #onlyathss

  3. Francine Rivera

    It’s truly an honor to work for a prestigious organization that places patient care as the highest priority. When I proudly tell people where I work, I always get the same excited reaction “I love HSS!”. #onlyathss

  4. Patrice Shea

    I’ve been stopped at airports, train platforms, sporting events, etc. when wearing HSS gear with a story about someone who had a great experience at HSS. Once at an airport in Minnesota, a gentlemen asked me if I worked at HSS then proceeded to tell me his son is a medical student applying for a residency at HSS. Small world.

  5. Wesley Barron

    The patients are constantly saying that the staff at HSS are knowledgeable and kind… from the very beginning to the very end of their experience. HSS is a place where care and attention to detail are customary. #OnlyAtHSS

  6. Andrew Meyers

    I am constantly stopped when wearing my HSS jacket by people telling me about the exceptional care they have received at HSS. It should make us all feel proud to be associated with such a differentiated organization!

  7. Keesha Holmes

    Just today during my patient rounding, the patient described her stay as top notch and concierge like. She’s had multiple surgeries here and we consistently give the best care she’s ever received. It’s a pleasure to hear these patient experiences. #OnlyAtHSS

  8. Jeri-Jean Ferre

    Thank you for sharing. I moved here a couple of years ago and I interact almost daily with people on the subway, in my apartment and around the Upper East side who are consistently positive about HSS. I am so proud to be a part of this organization and to help with the patient experience. Working predominately behind the scenes and not having the incredible opportunity to see patients regularly during their stay, I really enjoy hearing the patient stories!

  9. Angela Dominguez

    Every week, the Coast to Coast Program in Ambassador Services recognizes the domestic patient who has traveled the most miles that week to get to HSS. We visit each “winner” and give a little token of our appreciation. And we always ask, “Why did you choose to travel to HSS?” The stories are amazing! “HSS saved my foot from being amputated.” “I found an HSS doctor that actually specializes in my rare condition!” “My friends said I’d be crazy to go anywhere else.” #OnlyAtHSS !!

  10. Nancy Keane

    I’m a new and happy associate born and raised in NYC and an FDNY family. HSS takes exquisite care of our Bravest who protect us each day. Proud to be a part of the HSS family!


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