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RTnN – HSS Leadership Perspectives

June 22, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on the progress we have made as NYC prepares to enter Phase 2. He recognizes that we still have a long way to go, and, for some, the outlook of uncertainty and ambiguity is anxiety-provoking. Dr. Kelly shares that there so many variables that are outside of our control.

“Although we cannot control what others do or what the national return to normal looks like, we can control our reactions. Understand what you can control and acknowledge what you cannot control. For many of us, all we can control is our effort, attitude and behavior. Put your efforts into this and continue to keep a good attitude.”

He concludes the video by encouraging us to make time for ourselves and develop health affirmations and behaviors that will help combat the unsettling feelings associated with the unknowns and lack of control that come our way.

“What we can control here at home is to work together to build upon what we have accomplished as an institution—whether it be on the public health front or broader social issues. We may have a long road ahead, but we have the dedication of the blue bond to help carry us forward.”

June 19, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou speaks about Gratitude and how this has quickly become a new HSS value. He shares that on his walk to work this morning he reflected on the Serenity prayer,

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

He goes on to recognize all the many things he is grateful for and shares a story on a recent interaction with a colleague. This conversation led to a profound statement that mirrored the meaning of the Serenity prayer and was representative of HSS.

“When we work together, taking step by step to reach our goals, we ultimately achieve a larger impact on our organization, community and ourselves.  I always say that actions speak louder than words, but words matter. Our new values of Gratitude and Inclusion will have words associated with them.  They will guide our behaviors and shape our actions. Our little steps will turn into big steps.”

June 17, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on the past few weeks and recognizes the enormity of events that have weighed heavily on us, challenging us as professionals and individuals. The COVID-19 pandemic, economic distress and national civil unrest call for change.

Dr. Kelly goes on to speak about the crisis fatigue many of us are experiencing as a result of these events.

“We’re all well-adapted to handle temporary stresses, but some of us may feel overwhelmed by the constant and unrelenting pressures of this year. Crisis fatigue on a broader level can tempt people to start to waver their adherence to the latest guidance or forgo following a ‘new normal’ regimen.”

He concludes his message by expressing his confidence in us that we will continue to power through this phase of growth, progress and fundamental change the best and safest way we can.

June 15, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou shares how a weekend experience inspired him to think about our shared journey at HSS. He speaks about the drives he and his family took and reflects on where they went, how they went there and where they ended. He compares these thoughts to the past, present and the future, and how they ultimately led him to think about HSS.

“Rather than talk about the past or the present, I thought I would spend a couple of minutes talking about the future.”

Lou continues by sharing five important points:

  1. HSS continues to earn its leadership position, not only in musculoskeletal health but as a responsible healthcare system;
  2. We are accessible to more people in more ways;
  3. We are independent, but others are dependent on us for their musculoskeletal health and musculoskeletal care;
  4. People who work at HSS are different, yet they are the same;
  5. We are living our values of excellence, passion, integrity, creativity, teamwork, gratitude and inclusion;

“We have come a long way, but we certainly have more work to do. Our future is bright; our journey will be never-ending. We will have twists and turns on the pathway forward, but make no mistake about it, it will be a productive journey, and we will accomplish great things.”

June 12, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly shares that surgical and outpatient visits continue to rapidly grow throughout HSS, making things feel nearly normal. He goes on to reflect on the past few weeks stating:

“Seeing injustices in the world requires us all to take action, whether that be as individuals or as an institution. Sometimes the change is personal – what should I change? And sometimes it’s organizational – what changes should I make around me?” reminding us that we all have a role to play in ongoing change.

Dr. Kelly goes on to share, “for us to ask the world to change, we need to change first.” He encourages us all to participate in the opportunities to share our thoughts, experiences and ideas in the upcoming discussion sessions, and concludes by sharing,

“We cannot episodically wake up when a new tragedy occurs. A systemic problem requires a holistic response.”

June 10, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou brings us back 100 days when it was business as usual, quickly turning to crisis management and then entering our return to new normal.

He shares the importance of adding “new” in our “return to normal,” stating, “normal needed to be redefined. Our new normal is what we decided it would be: a place where we add to our values of excellence, passion, integrity and teamwork two new values of gratitude and inclusion.”

Lou reflects on our Strategic Roadmap, sharing “without living up to our values, our foundations become weak, our journey becomes long and our aspirations are at risk.” But as an optimist, Lou concludes, “living up to our values makes our foundation strong, our journey exciting and rewarding, and our aspirations within our grasp.”

June 8, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly begins by acknowledging his excitement for the week ahead.

“As we prepare for another week, both inside and outside our hospital, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on why feeling uncomfortable is not only okay but is critically important.”

Dr. Kelly goes on to share his feelings as he reflects on the events happening in our city and throughout our country. He shares, “I am proud of the work we have done at HSS to build a strong bond internally with our community, but we can do more. Only together, united in a common purpose, will we begin to make a difference in the future of our country.”

Dr. Kelly concludes by encouraging us to be part of the conversation and use these uncomfortable feelings to fuel active efforts to make real and lasting change happen.

June 5, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou shares an important message reflecting on what we, as a country, are experiencing in our world today.

“I am outraged and deeply saddened over the events that have occurred in the past week, shining a spotlight on the systemic racism and injustices directed at the Black community.”

He goes on to acknowledge that what we are experiencing is not okay.

“Change begins now. It begins first by educating ourselves so that we can educate others. It begins now so that we can have the right conversations and ask the difficult questions. It begins now so we continue to grow and be the best versions of ourselves.”

Lou concludes today’s video message by recognizing the positive example happening in our world – Pride Month.

“It is so encouraging to see so many people support it with openness, inclusion and understanding. I am proud to say that HSS is again this year an official sponsor of Pride events  and will be announcing ways we are celebrating Pride in the coming days.”

June 3, 2020:  In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly recognizes the ‘buzz in the air” that is felt throughout HSS, sharing how the teamwork he has seen is truly amazing. 

He reflects on his first day back in the OR, where he spoke to the OR staff in the morning, thanking them – and all 6,000 members of the HSS family – for all they have done.

“This week is the best week we’ve had since the crisis… but what we’ve seen around the world has simultaneously made it one of the worst since the crisis has begun.”

He acknowledges how important it is to recognize the wide range of emotions experienced by everyone around us and all the members of the HSS community in the wake of the recent, horrific events that have occurred in Minneapolis.

As clinicians and healthcare providers, we understand that our humanity is defined by how we treat others. The HSS family is an incredible group of people from every background imaginable, and as such, represents a positive voice that stands firmly behind diversity, equity, inclusion, respect and the value of human life regardless of race, religion, gender and country of origin.”

June 1, 2020: Lou begins this morning’s video by compassionately recognizing the tragic death of George Floyd.

With so much happening in our world today, Lou goes on to share his thoughts on change, stating that “sometimes we are resistant to change, not realizing that change itself is consistent in our lives. Even if we try to avoid it, it remains a constant.”

With the arrival of COVID-19 an unprecedented amount of change was brought to our worlds, and although change can be scary, it also can signify growth. He goes on to share that on a personal level, “when I look back, all of the things I have in my life now are the result of changes that I experienced.”

Lou concludes the video by recognizing change is inevitable in our future, stating “we will create it, we will embrace it, we will stare it in the face and allow it to create greatness.”

May 29, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly begins by reflecting on how far we have come, sharing, “what is more remarkable than that is how we have done this together and how this experience has strengthened the already amazingly strong bonds that existed prior to truly this life-altering experience.”

Dr. Kelly goes on to talk about bonds. “At the most basic level people form bonds when they share things. People become connected through common goals and shared discovery.”

He reflects on how the 9th Floor team put back together our ORs that only two weeks ago were ICUs, which inspired him.

“We have all struggled through COVID-19, but we are emerging back to a bigger, stronger and better version of HSS than the one that we started with.”


May 27, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou speaks to this weekend’s holiday, sharing that Memorial Day felt extra special this year, given the current crisis the world is facing. He reflects on our future and continuing to follow our Roadmap to 2025.

“Before COVID, I would start every meeting with two things — our Roadmap and our financial performance. Our Roadmap because that told us where we were going and how we were going to get there. Our financial performance, not because it is the most important thing, but because that is what enabled us to focus on the most important thing.”

Lou goes on to express that while COVID-19 caused us to hit pause on our Roadmap to 2025, we are now resuming our journey, in a “responsible manner, outlined in our RTnN plan.”

He closes this morning’s video with a reflection inspired by Winston Churchill.

“We are not only optimists but are realists. Nothing is beyond our reach. Focus on our Roadmap to 2025, making sure Leadership By All is magnified even further, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.”

May 22, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou shares the phrase “Get To,” which began with Kyla, a young woman who lost her life to Ewing sarcoma a few years ago. Lou and his brother were fortunate enough to work with Kyla on a special project while she was going through her cancer treatment.

During one of their conversations, Lou’s brother mentioned he “has to go to work,” to which Kyla responded, “you don’t have to go anywhere, you get to go.”

Lou acknowledges the epiphany this moment brought on. “It was a turning point in our life, just in terms of realizing what’s important and how we think about things.”

He goes on to share more details on the project they were working on together and reads a note from Kyla that now sits framed on his desk, entitled: What it takes to Move Mountains.

Lou shares how he is sure Kyla is looking over us now as as we get to fight the battle, as we get to be leaders and as we get to be grateful for everything, including each other. He expresses gratitude for all of us as we are moving mountains.

Be sure to listen to the whole video message to hear Kyla’s inspiring letter!

May 20, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly begins by reflecting on how, just over two months ago, HSS responded to the worst global pandemic the world has experienced in the past 100 years. He shares what we have accomplished in just over 60 days, crediting our success to “the amazing fortitude, perseverance and dedication to all of the people who have dedicated their careers to making HSS the most unique healthcare organization in the world.”

Dr. Kelly goes on to share a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “you gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself—I lived through this…I can take the next thing that comes along…” He reflects on this quote stating how particularly relevant it is this week, as we look forward.

Dr. Kelly goes on to acknowledge the uncertainty we might all be currently experiencing, but encourages us to remember that, “the strength that brought us to this point in time is the same strength that makes me certain that what lies ahead are the most successful and amazing times that we have ever seen here.”

May 18, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou delivers his message on the inspiration of our past and our future.

“What inspires us? Our families inspire us. Our friends inspire us. Our role models inspire us. You inspire me, by what you do and how you do it.”

He goes on to share that sometimes others inspire us that don’t fit into those categories. “These people are individuals who have left their mark on the world, not only by what they said but what they did.”

In the next part of this morning’s video, Lou includes inspirational quotes from Winston Churchill and challenges us to think about which ones stand out to us. These quotes are not only timeless but can be related to what we are experiencing now. Make sure to watch until the end!

May 15, 2020:  In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly questions if we’ve ever been stuck on the FDR on our way to work, or have been standing in a crowded subway station – we all know how miserable it is.

“But if you’ve ever seen a helicopter shot of New York City at night, you’ve seen how the same miserable experience can suddenly be made to seem beautiful and serene. We call one a traffic jam and the other a light show.”

Dr. Kelly relates this analogy to the pain and destruction we have all felt amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and challenges us to see opportunity in all challenges:

“Life is like that – we can look at something one way and be scared, angry or worried, or we can look at the same thing another way and find an exciting challenge.”

May 13, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou reflects on the moments that have led us to this day.

He acknowledges that the difficult moments we face serve a purpose just as the positive ones do, encouraging us to take a step back when we experience a difficult one and find the patience needed to move forward, “one step at a time.”

“HSS stood tall and mighty in the battle to ensure our guiding principle of protecting our patients, staff and community was upheld. While we are very much still fighting this battle, HSS is moving forward.”

He goes on to share that we can fight such difficult battles because of each member of the HSS family and the culture HSS upholds.

“Our culture is truly collaborative because of each of you and the leadership role you hold. We operate as one team, where everyone’s input matters.”

Lou concludes the video by expressing his pride for all HSS family members:

“Whether you have been serving patients on the frontline or working behind the scenes to make sure this can happen, you are what makes HSS the best place in the world, and I am so very privileged to stand by you as we take every journey together.”

May 11, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly shares that today is his first day back in the OR since March 9.  He goes on to mention how much has been delayed, temporarily paused or changed since then, including a Christmas present purchased for his children, which was only delivered this past weekend – a ping pong table.

He shares he learned that all of his kids have something in common with everyone at HSS: resilience.

 “Throughout the last two months, we have experienced a transformation into a completely new organization, and now we’re thoughtfully putting the pieces back together to realize our new normal.”

He recognizes that COVID-19 threw us into a chaotic world that changed so much for us, minute by minute, and states, “we had to remind ourselves to take a step back to breathe, make sense of the ambiguity and act.” Dr. Kelly goes on to address that what is now critical is that we remain thoughtful in our response.

“What we have accomplished in the past eight weeks is nothing short of remarkable. We will need to keep the blue bond, which in my mind is defined by HSS resilience as we rebuild back to that most amazing, number 1, orthopedic hospital in the world.”

May 8, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou reflects on beginning a new chapter in the book of HSS. He acknowledges that, with the start of the new decade, we embarked on a new chapter filled with excitement as we continued with our planned progress. Lou goes on to recognize the sudden change we experienced after this meaningful start, noting we each know this chapter well as we helped to write it.

Beginning Monday, we entered into a yet another new chapter – Return to new Normal (RTnN).

“We will be spending the days and weeks to come writing this chapter. We are optimistic that it will be a great one in the book of HSS. It will most certainly have twists and turns and be filled with inspiration and gratitude. And it will continue to have the foundation with what enabled us to write all of the chapters that preceded this one.”

Lou concludes the video thanking every HSS family member for all that they do.

“You bring the blue bond to life with energy; you make Leadership by All more than just words.”

In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly shares his reflection on the past 50 days, noting there have recently been two huge milestones.

“This is the 50th day since we stopped all non-essential surgery, and it is day one of opening up our ORs to start doing urgent cases. For me, this is the most exciting, positive, and uplifting day we have had since the beginning of this pandemic.

He goes on to share that yesterday was also a great day as it was the first time he was allowed to see patients in the office in the past eight weeks. Despite the challenges we have faced, it feels like we are embarking on an amazing new journey.

“Although we are still managing the COVID-19 crisis, we are pivoting into a phase where we can start to apply our learnings as we start to very thoughtfully and slowly return to new normal. For me, being able to apply the learnings from the past few weeks in a relatively “normal” situation is a milestone.”

Dr. Kelly now approaches every day with more gratitude, more appreciation, more awareness, and more enthusiasm. He encourages us to reflect on our personal learnings as we navigate the path forward in return to new normal.

May 4, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou shares the saying, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.

He interrupts the saying by acknowledging the changes we have encountered lately: the calendar, the crisis, our services, access, and new norms. But Lou also recognizes what has remained the same:

“Our hope. We have hope for our prosperous future, including a vaccine for the virus. Commitment. Our commitment to earning our leadership position. Access. Being accessible to more people; more opportunity than ever. Leadership. Our philosophy, Leadership by All, where everyone is a leader regardless of your role. More ready than ever.”

May 1, 2020:  In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly shares inspiration from the founder of Stoicism, Zeno, who tragically lost everything in a shipwreck in the 3rd century BC. He goes on to explain how even though Zeno lost everything when he died, some forty years later, he was not only prosperous, he was one of the wisest men in the world. “How did he do it? How did he recover? How did he make his way back to greatness?”

Dr. Kelly explains it was done by “taking one step at a time.” He mirrors this approach to HSS entering our RTnN phase, recognizing that there will be challenges, but encourages us to remember:

“We have weathered the storm. And we will emerge stronger and more prosperous than ever.  Whatever the problem, whatever the cause—whether it was this pandemic or just an ordinary stroke of bad luckthe solution is the same.”

April 29, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou reflects 45 days ago to March 15 – the day we became mountain climbers.

Our journey up the mountain that is COVID-19 has been difficult, sharing: “we walked some, we ran some, we climbed some. And every once in a while we rest. We rest because climbing a mountain is tiring. Sometimes it’s exhausting; sometimes it’s difficult. You need to be careful of the terrain, careful you don’t trip, and you need to be careful of the edges of the trail.”

Lou shares that although our climb has been a challenging one, we have made it to the top, and we now are on our journey down. A journey that needs to be planned. He applies this analogy to our Strategic Roadmap to 2025, which reflects Journey, Better, Knowledge, and Scale and will serve as the pathway on our decent.

“It was painful, but we have learned so much about ourselves, and what we are capable of, it already has and will continue to make us better. It was hard work with great sadness and amazing victories, but we have learned so much and have acquired knowledge along the way, which will be put to great use.”

April 27, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on how far we have come and all that we have experienced and accomplished since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Knowing there is a journey that still lays ahead of us, he shares an old saying:

“Do nothing, and nothing happens. Life is about decisions. You either make them, or they’re made for you, but you can’t avoid them.”

Although we are still experiencing plenty of emotions, we have united and remained one step ahead of what was coming. And, through this challenging time, our intentions remain dedicated to a common goal of protecting our patients, HSS family, and our community.

“We found a way to paddle together to succeed. I look forward to strengthening the blue bond even more.”

April 24, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou reflects on how quickly the world has changed since New Years’ celebrations. He shares the critical and necessary changes HSS has made within a short time to ensure we stay true to our mission, vision, and guiding principles.

Through all, Lou recognizes the true reason our organization rises to every challenge and is able to take on the enormity that is the COVID-19 crisis – because of each of you.

Each of you is a light of shining positivity that allows HSS to not only fight this battle, but conquer it, and I cannot express enough how proud I am to stand aside you throughout.”

April 23, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly acknowledges that although we are entering a new response phase of COVID-19 and preparing to return to our ‘new normal’, there will still be many moments of uncertainty and confusion. “We are on the other side of the mountain – we are on the return trip, and now just need to land our plane safely.”

He goes on to share that as of today, HSS will no longer need to transfer any more COVID patients from our neighboring hospital and that we will soon have the 9th floor empty and ready for terminal cleaning.

“I will personally be one of the first people on the 9th floor with a sledgehammer to take down the walls of the 9th-floor PACU to get our OR sanctuary ready for Orthopedic patients.”

He expects we will soon feel a buzzing excitement because of this.

“Watch around you and become exhilarated by the small changes you will see as we reconstruct.”

“We are now in control. You have control. The thinker is in charge, not the thought. Don’t forget that.”

April 22, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou pays tribute to our fallen colleague, Hector Hodge. As he speaks to Hector’s innate kindness, strong work ethic, and leadership, he reminds us all that there is strength in grief.  Sharing a quote from American existential psychologist Rollo May, Lou asks us to keep in mind the following words: “One does not become fully human, painlessly”.

The COVID-19 pandemic might have shaken the world, but it will never shake the foundation of HSS.

April 21, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on the concept of “amor fati” originated by the Stoic philosophers, which translates from Latin to English as love of fate.

“Amor fati is the mindset you need to make the best of anything that happens,” says Dr. Kelly.  He shares how it has been demonstrated by the likes of Thomas Edison and Marcus Aurelius, who observed that “anything you put in front of a fire is fuel for that fire.”

“When we face those things that we don’t control or those things that are outside of our control, like COVID-19, really our only response is to embrace them and make the most of them….Loving whatever happens to us and facing it with unfailing cheerfulness and strength.”

“Let’s remember what we have achieved and what we are capable of, and bring the power of our resolve into our future.”

April 20, 2020:  In this morning’s video, Lou reflects on discovering new relevance in cards he purchased for his office a long time ago.

The message on those cards is: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

Lou relates this message to our current experience, and beyond: “The lesson that we have learned through this process is to very much appreciate and enjoy the sunshine…but also recognize that the rain is a metaphor for challenges…at an extraordinary level like COVID-19, and other challenges that are inevitable as we move forward with our Strategic Roadmap to 2025 which we remain focused on.”

“We don’t know what the weather has in store for us in the days and weeks ahead, but we know that we will continue to learn how to dance in the rain, take on the challenges that are in front of us, and soon be back to a ‘new normal’ and helping people get back to what they need and love to do better than anyplace in the world.”

“You have my indescribable gratitude for being you, and for being a part of HSS.  Thank you very much.”

April 17, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly observes that the adrenaline that has fueled our response to the COVID crisis will soon be challenged by fatigue.  To overcome that on our ‘Return to new Normal’ he calls on us to “bond together better than ever before” by practicing servant leadership – the topic of his Wednesday video.

He reminds us that servant leadership comes not from title or authority or hierarchy, but rather through enabling others to be their most effective, valued and engaged.

Through this lens Dr. Kelly invites us to reflect on the John Maxwell quote: “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

“Adopting an approach that seeks to see and serve others is vital for this time.  Let’s make sure the HSS culture that has gotten us where we are and propelled us through this crisis will continue on afterward stronger, better, and more united than ever.”

April 16, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou observes that while these days can sometimes seem to blur together, each 24 hours is different, matters a lot, and brings with it a whole new set of opportunities.

“The opportunity to remain safe.
The opportunity to take care of our patients.
The opportunity to look forward to tomorrow.
The opportunity to make a difference.
The opportunity to continue to fight the fight to win the war against COVID-19
The opportunity to continue to practice Social Distancing
The opportunity to continue to learn new things and not forget the new things we have learned
The opportunity to bring those things forward to the next day, and the day after that
The opportunity to continue to plan our ‘Return To new Normal’

And the opportunity to express our gratitude.”

“…I know I said Gratitude Forward Day was last Friday.  Let’s not make that day matter.  Let’s make every day matter.  Let’s make every day Gratitude Forward Day.

“Let’s make this another part of our strong culture that allows HSS to attain a level of performance, results and reputation that would not otherwise be possible.  Let’s make this part of what allows HSS to earn its leadership position every day, regardless of what day it is.  Let’s make this part of what allows us to make HSS more accessible to more people, in more places, in more ways. 


April 15, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly observes that a natural and common response to these uncertain times is to ‘stock-up’ on groceries such as toilet paper.  He notes that our individual and collective well-being will be better served by building reserves of compassion and empathy.

“Stocking up on compassion and empathy means that we step into the opportunity to expand our patients’ and our own empathy for our colleagues for how they might be responding during these challenging and exhausting times.”

“…We will all have our moments.  We all need an atmosphere right now that is safe and free of judgement, as we are all being asked to step up, stretch, and engage in efforts that are risky and challenging.  For that we all need to be patient, understanding, and empathetic.”

“I ask will you step up and engage in this way knowing we are all in this together?”

“Be safe, be strong, and be compassionate.  Be HSS.”

April 14, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou shares gratitude for inspiration, from the 9th floor on Sunday, a wonder of nature, and exciting new research.

From the 9th floor on Sunday he was inspired by the calm, compassion and focus of a multi-disciplinary team preparing to prone a COVID-positive patient to ease the patient’s breathing.  A world apart from the work they came to do at HSS, being done with the care and excellence they came to practice at HSS.

He goes on to describe inspiration received from colleagues in the middle of this past night: a photo of a double-rainbow over New York, and word that HSS has been selected as a site for a major, NIH funded, national multicenter study to see if a certain drug prevents COVID-19 illness in HSS employees.  (We’ll share more information on the study in a separate email, asap).

Lou interprets these signs – including those beyond our control – as indications, we are at the top of the ‘mountain’ and starting to see past it.

“We do have a long journey down.  But we made it up.  We are stronger for it, better, more united, and moving forward.  I can’t yet say exactly when, but we will be getting back to helping people move better, because how they move is why we’re here.”

April 13, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly shares perspectives from the book “Moral Peril of Meritocracy”, in which author David Brooks argues that most people experience life as a “two-mountain shape”: the first relating to the quest to achieve individualistic goals; the second focused on contribution – “where you start to shift towards committing to something bigger than just yourself and your immediate surroundings.”

Dr. Kelly says: “Through this crisis, I feel stronger more than ever that we are all on this second peak. We have committed to our organization, making a promise to strengthen the Blue Bond and help our community…On the second mountain…we are rewarded with joy for something bigger than ourselves.”

“Teamwork and collaboration has always been our competitive advantage–and now it is going to propel us into the next phase of working through this crisis.”

April 10, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou shares experiences he had yesterday that have moved him to invite us all to join him in making today “Gratitude Forward Day.”

He relates stories of observing and joining in gratitude expressed between colleagues, to patients for the privilege of caring for them, and from patients for that care.

And he invites us each to take a minute – today – to send a brief note of appreciation to any colleague for whom we feel especially grateful.  If you receive such a note, Lou asks that you send a brief note of appreciation to three other colleagues for whom you are especially grateful.

“Let’s have today be one of those days that is just filled with gratitude.”

April 9, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly notes that here, amidst a challenging week, it’s important that we “re-ground ourselves in a positive mindset”. He reminds us of ”the power of our reaction and response to the virus, day in and day out. That response, our response, is just as contagious. Whether that reaction is panic or peace, fear or love, division or unity–it has the potential to be more powerful than the virus itself.”

“Be thoughtful of the energy you want to spread and share. I have seen it here that the worst of situations truly does bring forth the best of our people.

“Continue to remind yourself of this and help those around you that may be struggling to lead with positivity. We must continue to help each other through this time, strengthening the Blue Bond.”

April 8, 2020: In this morning’s video recorded within the past hour, Lou anticipates that “when the pandemic at hand is over – our camaraderie, our resiliency, our dedication will be stronger than ever before.”

“Difficult times never last, but resilient people do. At HSS, we are not only strong in our commitment to protect our patients, but we are dedicated to our organization and to each other.”

April 7, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on how sometimes it takes more courage to follow than to lead, and how he was yesterday inspired by the example of attending surgeons suddenly in the role of intern as they learn the new things they need to do help in this fight against the coronavirus.  He shares that he was struck by the positivity in these moments – smiles and excitement – which came from the shared sense of purpose, and that everyone was “playing their part” unreservedly.

Dr. Kelly also shares an intimate moment of introduction to his family at home, who share in their own words their appreciation for the leadership and service of HSS.

“I thought it was important that I introduce you – all of the HSS family – to my family because they have been a part of this as much as I have…and I felt it was important that they had a chance to say hello, and thank you for everything” HSS is doing to respond to this crisis.

April 6, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou reflects on the juxtaposition of calm and commitment he observed inside and outside of HSS over the past few days.

The ‘calm’ in colleagues who describe as a “silver lining” the more deliberate appreciation of togetherness with loved ones, while caring for new patients with new needs.  Also in the resolve of safely distanced New Yorkers out and about, walking and cycling.

The ‘commitment’ observed in relentless focus “on what we are doing now and what we need to do tomorrow” and on upholding our Principles.

April 3, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on what has inspired him over the past few days, including the transformation of familiar HSS people and places.  He talks about the natural challenges and trepidations of learning new things fast, but encourages consciousness of how we are “truly beyond privileged to be asked to serve society in ways that others can’t.”

“Don’t shy away from it, don’t fear it: jump in.”

April 2, 2020:  Lou recorded this morning’s video as soon as he got out of bed, and then turned around and made that bed with special purpose – one that has helped many others conquer great challenges, as you’ll hear in the inspirational speech Lou references (a link to a video of that speech is also below, along with a photo of Lou’s first action of the day).

Lou notes that the challenge ahead is great but HSS is as prepared as possible and will prevail.  “I have more than hope: I have a vision, I have a plan, and I am part of a great team.” 

Here’s the link to Navy Admiral William McRaven’s address: “If You Want To Change The World, Start Off By Making Your Bed.”  And below, Lou’s first action of today.

April 1, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on how we are now facing a calling not of choice but of need and learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable. He encourages us to be mindful that our decisions and actions each day will be the story we tell our children and grandchildren in the years to come.

“Stay safe, stay well, stay strong.”

March 31, 2020: In this morning’s video, Lou speaks on how we are starting this week “fighting a new fight” but also moving on a new initiative called “Return to New Normal”. “We will get to the other side of the Mountain.  We will beat this.” 

He also shares a second video, in which a familiar face offers special appreciation and encouragement!  (Hint: A big Shark is all-in on HSS).

March 30, 2020: In this morning’s video, Dr. Kelly reflects on the famous quote “If not us, then who?  If not now, then when?”  He draws parallels to our calling to lead by example with the “heart, soul, courage and strength of HSS”,  and observes that together “our limits for teamwork and dedication truly have no bounds”.

March 27, 2020:  In this morning’s video, Lou notes COVID-19 is going to get worse before it gets better, and that we all at HSS are ‘climbing the mountain’ together – transforming in many ways, with passion, teamwork and leadership.  He also recognizes that, as throughout life, there will be moments that push us to the bottom of the mountain and require us to stand up and climb back up.  He reminds us that our team has been built to win, and “the Blue Bond and all that it represents is what holds us together and makes us strong.”

March 26, 2020: In today’s video, Dr. Kelly shares inspiration from Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist, on the power of unity and mutual support and encouragement.  Dr. Kelly relates to how the HSS family is standing in solidarity with all those facing the COVID-10 pandemic across the country and around the world. And he reminds us that We are HSS: We can do this.

March 25, 2020: Update and clarification on today’s daily leadership perspective video regarding incoming patients from NYP. Patients will be non-COVID 19 patients.

March 25, 2020: In today’s video, Lou explains that HSS will soon be used to accommodate medical-surgical and critical care patients transferred from NewYork-Presbyterian (NYP) hospitals so that those NYP hospitals can dedicate more of their own resources to treating COVID-19 patients.

279 Responses to “RTnN – HSS Leadership Perspectives”

  1. Joanne Parnofiello

    Recognizing great leadership!

    Reaching out to thank you all for your hard work and dedication in providing us with exceptional leadership during this difficult time: round-the-clock vigils as well as constant communications, assurances and reports on the COVID-19 situation. HSS leadership has been masterful in leading by example, leading with compassion and leading with creativity and competence.

    I know I speak for many when I say you have created an atmosphere of strength, hopefulness, and clarity for the HSS “family” as you manage and pivot through the unknown, working towards our ultimate recovery. In doing so you help to reinforce our “Pride of Association”.

    While you are consumed with this great challenge thrust upon you – managing all the moving parts, and caring for everyone and about everything – please take some time to care for yourselves… we know it can’t be easy – we need you!

    With gratitude, be well and be safe.

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  2. Alicia Morris

    Thank you for the updates, keeping us informed. In addition, its calming having the option of the charter buses and not having to worry about the subway. Thank you for finding ways to help us get through this. May everyone stay healthy and positive!

  3. Johann-Era (Jo) Drew

    There is so much to sift through regarding this crisis both globally and locally, but now more than ever, I am very proud to be a member of the HSS team. I want to thank everyone in leadership in this institution for providing a sense of calm in the midst of the storm known as Covid-19.

    I pray we and our loved ones all come through this safely.

    With continued appreciation.

  4. Estela Moriarty

    Good morning to all at a Hss
    I’m a respiratory therapist at Hss , thank you for the information each day . Just asking that the hospital get enough PPE gear , very important to have enough N95 masks and face shields to protect ourselves and everyone around when intubating and when we extubate patients off the ventilators . Very important to have enough on site to prevent the spread of COVID -19 Thank you so much for your updates each day . Estela Moriarty RRT

  5. Randy Rodriguez

    Very appreciative of these daily videos and your reassuring messages. Thank you.

  6. Linna Quigley

    Thank you for your leadership and frequent, transparent communication. I am proud to be part of such an exceptional organization.

  7. Alicia Morris

    Good morning and thank you – great video!

  8. Marta Guerra

    Thank you, Mr. Shapiro, for keeping all of us informed and communicating hope.

    I wanted to make one comment about one of the phrases included in today’s email: Be patient, be strong, stay well, and take control.

    We need to be patient, be strong and take control of those things that we can control, like making out bed each morning. But we also need to acknowledge that there are things outside of our control. Getting to the point of acknowledging this fact is essential if we are to remain serene. At the same time, working together, some of those things outside of one individual’s control, will be attainable.

  9. Alicia Morris

    Good morning Kelly family! That video warmed my heart. Thank you.


    I pray this will be over soon this too shall pass .

  11. Jorge Merced

    Thank You Doctor Kelly for your great words of wisdom on May 15, 2020. You definitely made my day especially the Evening Helicopter Scenario versus being stuck in traffic. Your words truly matters during these trying times.
    Thank you.

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